
Thursday, October 20, 2005

The difference between Merge and Yield

I'd like to invent a flipbook of messages to other drivers. There is a saying I heard that goes something like "no one knows how to drive - everyone going slower than me is an idiot and everyone going faster is a maniac".

Seriously, there are some dangerous freaks driving out there. Here are a couple of the personalities I've noticed:

The road hog. This person is in a lane and stays there at his own speed no matter what is going on around him/her. there are several variations. There is the one that drives 45 in the fast lane on the freeway, never moving to let faster motorists pass. There is the one that drives their own speed in the right lane oblivious to traffic merging off and on the interstate. This merge/yield maneuver can get pretty hairy. When you have someone who has decided that he was on this road first and fails to allow incoming merges, you get brake lights that create a domino effect of slowing and potential rear-end collisions for miles, both on the road itself and also on the access lane.

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