
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Psychiatric Help 5 cents

What do you do with the father in law who arrives to stay with the newlyweds of only 2 months? It appears that this stay will be indefininte as he believed his houseboat would not survive Rita, so not only evacuated, but took it all with him.

Turns out the houseboat survived. Now the decision needs to be made. Interestingly, there is no job or no money. Just a man and his dog, arrived to maybe move back home near his son and the son's new wife. Just a man with a history of borrowing money, alcholism and depression. Just a man with a law degree who is anti-establishment and survives on substitute teaching and the generosity of his young son. Just a man and the dog invading the small space of new marriage and two young people with brand new jobs out of college.

This is the "been there done that" "seen it all" category. Simple straightforward solutions that would even embarrass Dr. Phil.

"Nothing is impossible -- the impossible just takes longer"

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